Thursday, 27 March 2008

hello juhu users.

hi there,

it has been quite a while since the last update, but I have been a little bit busy graduating and finding a job, sorry :).

right now I am working on an iphone port for the official sdk, but if there are still some juhu users left, I might even put some time and effort into a new release for the desktop. so if you are using juhu and have some ideas and/or wishes, just leave a comment or send me a mail. thanks for the support.


Anonymous said...

I'm still using juhu! Waiting for an update and also some updates to Jaiku or I might be forced to move to Twitter or Pownce. I don't have any real suggestions except for cleaning up the UI ... maybe even an adobe air version.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm using juhu and like it very much! Nothing special suggestions... I'll be back to you if something comes to my mind.

Adam Merrifield said...

Please NO Adobe Air! That POS is the reason I HATE using Pownce. It looks, acts and feels like garbage. I prefer native all the way.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally still using it. ^_^ I haven't been "constantly plugged in" as much as I used to but I'm still into it. It's my favourite client for any "microblogging" anything out there.

somemorequestions said...

okay, four people still using juhu. that's not too bad. thanks for your comments.
I guess I have to disappoint adam when I say: nope, there won't be any air around here, sorry, but I am more a native kind of guy, however, a ui clean up might be in the range of possibilities and I am open to any suggestion.

Anonymous said...

I just downloaded the desktop version. I didn't know it existed. I've been using the iPhone version for awhile now and love it.

Anonymous said...

I'm using juhu and like it very much. but it's still collapse if my network don't stable.

Unknown said...

Hello! I'm still using juhu. Many mac users in japanese jaiku-er are most favorite client, I know. iPhone still be not available in Japan. I keep to using desktop version.

Unknown said...

juhu is quite polished i think - as a jaiku addict i use it 24/7 and the only problem that i see is when i'm not wired and wifi signal is not perfect. but if u decide to leave it as it is - it works for me - thanks a lot for your hard work and good luck on ur iphone/ipod touch app - if only app store is international - i'll gladly pay for it :-)

Anonymous said...

mobilejuhu is great (as is the desktop client).
I'm looking forward to your rewrite of the code w/ the new iPhone SDK.
If Juhu and mobileJuhu are any indication...I have a feeling it's gonna rock \m/

Anonymous said...

mobileJuhu does crash occasionally when submitting a Jaiku...doesn't submit it. It's happened only a couple of times and I THINK it's when a jaiku is submitted and mobilejuhu is refreshing is when it happens.
Reason for my thinking is that when I restart the app, the "new posts" indicator is on the icon.

Søren Uggerholt said...

Juhu can't send today - but the Jaiku site is up and running.


somemorequestions said...


@søren: basically the website itself and the jaiku api juhu uses to send messages are independent from each other in the way that a working website doesn't guarantee a working api. that said, I just tried to post from juhu and it worked, so I am not sure why it doesn't for you...

@greg: thanks for the praise :) the rewrite will hopefully fix those kind of crashes. for now, I hope it's not too annoying and you keep on using mobile juhu.

and again; thank you all for the feedback.

Søren Uggerholt said...

@somemorequestions: Thanx for the answer!
Strange – I tried to get my API key from again (of course I did so before and it has worked several times). The key I obtained today was CHANGED and Juhu works with the new key.

Anonymous said...

@somemorequestions - oh I'm definitely still using it. ;)
It is, in my opinion, the best jaiku mobile client out there (i don't use iPhone/Touch "web apps" if there's a native solution)

Unknown said...

I use Juhu 24/7 and works great. Unfortunately just a few days ago the Jaiku API seems to be changed and no comments to jaikus are received now on juhu. So I think a new desktop version would be great.

Pedro Figueiredo said...

of course there are still juhu users! :)

Kerim Friedman said...

Can you make an option to enlarge the text? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Juhu rules! It's much better than twitterrific, for instance. I'm a Jaiku n00b, but I simply love the program. I agree with Adam Merrifield: NO ADOBE AIR! PRETTY PLEASE!

leafy7382 said...

Love Juhu! Using it everyday since I switched from Twitter. One suggestion, will it be possible to show contacts' alias instead of registered first name?

Unknown said...

official iPhone app...


Unknown said...

Lovin' juhu, great desktop app, it's the way I post to jaiku. Are you able to add more icons?

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